New players often become the main source of profit for bookmakers. Lack of experience leads to wrong actions and loss of money. In this article, we will look at five mistakes that beginners in sports betting often make. These mistakes can certainly be avoided so as not to lose capital. Let’s find out with JILI22 right away.
Five sports betting mistakes that beginners often make

Sports betting is full of surprises and there are many things to learn. Here are some common mistakes that you often make when you first start betting on sports. Follow them and avoid them.
The first mistake is to bet all in
The easiest way to lose money is to bet all your money on one event. You will lose and you will have no way to fix it. In such situations, new players will immediately go into debt and try to win back that money. This is a sure path to nowhere, will end in tears and discourage any desire to play.
First, it is much more effective to understand the nature of betting. Achieve some success and then gradually increase the percentage.
The second mistake is chasing big odds

It is difficult for beginners to immediately understand the essence of the coefficients. Many questions arise. This is one of the five mistakes of new sports players. You need to know and avoid it decisively.
Do not chase high odds. First, carefully analyze the situation and find out why the bookmaker decided to give such numbers. And only if you do not find any arguments, act. After all, bookmaker mistakes still happen, real people work there.
The next mistake is being too cautious
It doesn’t take a betting genius to understand the basic truth: the lower the odds of an event, the higher the probability of the winning team. When betting on small odds, we make little money. Therefore, the conclusion is that the accepted odds must be too high. It is difficult to increase the stakes with such tactics at the initial stage when you still make too many mistakes.
Size does not matter. If we are talking about coefficients. Don’t be too careful, everything has a limit. You will not be able to increase the stakes this way and you will not be able to make money from betting. It is better to focus on competently analyzing the match and finding profitable odds.
The fourth mistake is betting on everything
The usual scenario is that the “new” bettor gets lucky and starts betting on everything. A few late bets can discourage the newbie. At this point, the predators are sitting in the bushes rubbing their hands. Soon they will have their desired prey.
To become an experienced bettor, you need to follow two golden rules:
- Bet only on popular tournaments.
- Eliminate all the exotic tournaments from the start.
The final mistake is not controlling excitement

Emotional betting is dangerous not only because you lose your bank account. But there is also a risk of becoming a gambling addict and ruining your life. WHO has not recognized this as an official disease for no reason. Calming your excitement is a separate art form.
Experienced gamblers have nerves of steel and know how to control their emotions in any situation. They become psychologists and learn to organize everything in their heads, acting with cold calculation.
The ability to control emotions determines 50% of success in betting. At first glance, it seems easy and accessible to everyone.
In the world of sports betting, as in life, the path to success often depends on the ability to avoid mistakes and learn from them. By sharing five mistakes that new sports bettors make in this article, we hope you can understand and avoid them. Good luck.